Wednesday 3 August 2011

Skin Care Tips

Skin Care Tips

Our skin is the most exposed part of the body that has to inevitably endure the test of nature and time. The weather along with additional support from pollution, dirt, grime can create problems for the skin. Problems of the skin are aplenty and so are their causes, all of which calls for a skin care regime .The term ‘Skin Care’ carries a different meaning for different people. Hence to understand skin care tips and adhere to a skin care routine better, the first step is to get to know your skin. Skin care information can come in handy when you know your skin and knowing your shield better will only help you care for it in the best possible manner.

So, lets get under the skin!

Skin-Structure and Functions

Skin forms the largest organ of the body, comprising of almost 20 square feet (in most adults) and accounting for about 16 per cent of a person’s weight. Apart from the startling facts we also need to understand the important functions that our skin performs round the clock:
  • It performs many vital roles as both as a shield and a regulating influence between the outside world and the controlled environment within our bodies.
  • It regulates the body temperature. Internal body temperature is controlled through several processes, including the combined actions of sweat production and the rate of blood flowing through the network of blood vessels within the skin.
  • It helps in eliminating the toxic waste products and water from the body. Poor elimination leads to sallow and dull complexion, swelling all over the body and aggravation of acne.
  • In very cold conditions skin blood flow drops very low, retaining heat in the center of the body and preserving the flow of warm blood to the vital organs within the chest and abdomen and to the brain.
  • The physical toughness of the skin prevents the intrusion of harmful chemicals and invading organisms such as bacteria and viruses.
  • Maintains the moisture level of the skin by discharging perspiration and the oily sebaceous material that is the skin's best lubricant.
  • It also provides resistance to shocks for the more sensitive tissues underneath. At the same time however skin needs to be supple and be able to stretch to accommodate movement.
  • Skin exposed to sunlight is the main site of manufacture of vitamin D, which is essential for the growth and maintenance of our bones.
The nerve ending under the skin makes us aware of heat, cold, pain and pleasurable sensations. Sensation helps us to react. How? The extensive network of nerves within the skin feeds continuous information to the brain concerning our surroundings.
Phew! Quite an awesome task for the layering we call skin, but how does it handle all these tasks - you ask? Here’s how:
  • The skin comprises of three layers-the epidermis, the dermis and the hypodermis. A detailed description will help us understand these important layers of the skin:
  • The outer layer is the epidermis - the part we see and touch. It is composed of the main skin cell called the keratinocyte, thus named because it produces a tough protein called keratin and a basal cell layer underneath where the new cells are manufactured. The new cells move upwards to the surface where they expire and then are exfoliated. Melanin cells, which are responsible for freckles and darkening the skin's color due to the ultraviolet rays in sunlight, are also in the dermis. The epidermis has no blood vessels or nerves. 
  • The dermis is made up of connective tissues, which include collagen protein and elastic fibers (elastic type protein). The connective tissues form a valuable support system to the skin. It is in this layer that the majority of the skin's aging process takes place. The sweat glands, the oil glands, the nerve endings and receptors, blood vessels, arrector pili muscles and a major portion of hair follicles are also located in the dermis.
  • The hypodermis or sub-dermis is a subcutaneous tissue or fatty layer situated below the dermis. It influences the quality of our skin's appearance. A dramatic loss of weight causes the skin to sag and too much fat or water retention in the skin's tissue makes the skin stretch and dimple. The hypodermis is a cushion for the skin. It acts as a shock absorber to protect the bones and to help support the delicate structures, such as blood vessels, nerve endings and hair bulbs. The layer gives contour and shape to the body and acts as an emergency reservoir of food and water.
  • There are two sets of glands found in the dermis the sweat glands and the oil glands. The sweat glands are employed in the elimination of the water-soluble cellular waste. The oil glands secrete oil, which lubricates the skin surface. This prevents the skin from excessive dryness and chapping. Blockages, congestion, over activity or under activity of these two sets of glands are considered the primary causes of our numerous skin problems.
Now that we know what lies beneath the skin, we also need to know how to help our skin perform the functions for us. Skincare has an answer. Skin care- a term commonly used to describe the effort to maintain and enhance the skin to endure all adversities remain a section or column of a feminine fortnightly to the uninitiated and a religious practice to many.

Skin care exists in various levels in everyone’s lives. It could vary from basic soap, cream routine to as advanced as anti-ageing therapies. They all hover under the umbrella of skin care. Skin care information and skin care tips also raise interest among many because we project an image to the society and we all want to be too sure that we are perceived well. Obviously, Skincare helps here too!

So, what makes a healthy picture…..oops skin?

Skin Care Treatments

  • Foremost, a good diet: A healthy diet leads to a healthy skin!
  • Sleep: You must sleep for eight or ten hours each night, because skin revives itself when you sleep.
  • Clean Bowels: Elimination of toxins helps maintain healthy skin
  • Emotions: Distress shows on the skin in an outburst of rashes or blemishes. So keep that anger in check!
  • Exercise: Deep breathing exercises are a beauty treatment in themselves especially when you are filling your lungs with pure fresh air. Oxygen is vital to your skin and blood cel1s carrying both oxygen and nourishment are circulated to every part of your body including your skin.
  • There is more you can add to your skincare regime, but while you could do any of the above mentioned practices with a little bit of effort and self control, for our next step you will need a little effort, some product, brand and advertising awareness and a lot of decision making a skin care tip from experts. Decision making in the context of choosing the right product among the various on the shelf!
The most popular and effective skin-care regime, which yields maximum benefit to the skin, comprises the cleansing, toning, moisturizing and conditioning routines. The skin-care, of course, varies from one skin type to another and the relative emphasis of the various routines in it also differs. Here is an important skin care tip
  • Cleansing is the most important aspect of skin-care. It is undertaken primarily to remove the stale make-up, clean the skin pores and exfoliate the dead cells which otherwise cause blockages on the skin's surface.
  • Toning: The daily cleansing routine should be followed with toning. The toning exercise helps in the stimulation of the skin, pores and invigorates the blood circulation.
  • The moisturizing and conditioning routines conclude the daily skin-care. Moisturizing helps in keeping the moisture in the skin. The conditioning routine restores the acid balance on the skin and corrects other such imbalances. 

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