Tuesday 2 August 2011

What is the Fastest way to get rid of Acne and Acne scars?

What are the triggers that cause the breakout of acne.We know about the production of oil in the pores that gets blocked by dead skin cells which in turn cause the inflammation we know as pimples. But what can possibly cause this to happen is it the things we eat or the natural way of the body.
1. It has been believed that eating fried food will cause acne breakouts but the truth seems to be that it is not the case. A teens face is naturally oily and it is not caused by the oils in food. Fried foods may be unhealthy but not acne causing.
2. Does eating chocolate cause acne? No it does not, again acne is from the natural oils on the skin that are trapped in the pores. Chocolate does not contribute to this.
3. Do hormonal changes cause acne? Yes this has been proven to be one of the triggers of acne breakouts. Testosterone which increases during puberty stimulates the oil glands in the skin creating more oil than normal in teens and adult women. A lack of estrogen in adult women can cause acne breakouts.
4. Acne can flair up during the menstrual cycle due to hormonal changes. Also called premenstrual acne, it appears to be an actual occurrence. Contraceptives prescribed by a doctor have been shown to help control this acne.
5. Makeup can be a problem causer for acne. Remember pimples are cause by by the pores being clogged and putting makeup on can increase this problem. You can get makeup that can be used by acne sufferers that is labeled noncomedogenic that contains ingredients that do not clog the pores. Remember to gently clean your face each night before you go to bed to remove your makeup.

Source: http://acne-treatment-guru.com/page/60/

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