Tuesday 2 August 2011

Skin Care Treatments

Care for your Skin Type

Skin Type Identification
Oily Skin Has a shine
Dry Skin Looks dry and flaky and often feels taut
Combination Skin Oily in some parts of the face and dry in others
Skin types cannot be altered permanently but they can be kept temporarily in check with a suitable skin care routine. To discover your skin type, do the following:

  • Cleanse your face thoroughly.
  • Remove all traces of make-up, but do not tone or moisturise.
  • Leave the skin to settle for a few hours without cosmetics.
  • Examine it carefully in natural daylight, using a good mirror or a magnifying one.
Oily Skin
The main hallmark of an oily skin is an overall shine. The skin is often sallow and its texture may be coarse, the opening of the sebaceous glands, or pores, may be particularly noticeable. Oily skin tends to attract dirt and dust more readily than dry skin.
While it is often besieged with spots and blackheads at puberty, oily skin can be a blessing as the excess sebum helps to prevent the skin from drying out.


It benefits from water, so washing with ordinary soap or a wash off cleanser is ideal. After cleansing, remove excess oil with an astringent.

Dry Skin

The skin looks dry and sometimes flaky and often feels taut. Due to lack of protective sebum, it reacts to extreme weather conditions. It is less likely to develop pimples than oily skin but tends to become readily chapped or roughened in dry atmospheres.


All products used should be mild and toners should be alcohol free. A creamy cleanser should be used. It is essential to moisturise the face, throat and skin around the eyes.

Combination Skin

The most common skin type is a combination skin with an oily central panel of the zone embracing the forehead, nose and chin and areas of dryness on the cheeks, round the eyes and on the throat.


Wash the face with a gentle soap or a mild milky cleanser. Moisturise the dry areas often.
Refer Skin Care at Home for advice on the suitable facemasks for your skin.

Your Skin Worries and Treatment

Blackheads, small pustules with a tendency to develop deeper inflamed spots, are most common in puberty.


  • Wash at least three times a day with soap and water. Meticulous cleansing of the skin is required to de-fat the skin.
  • Use an anti-bacterial cleanser.
  • Obtain special medication from a doctor - do not use proprietary ones.

Brown patches on the skin, frequently on the face and neck.


  • Avoid direct sunlight.
  • Use sunscreen creams.
  • Eat food rich in Vitamin C.
  • Use cosmetic products containing glycolic acid and retinoic acid.
  • Chemical peeling using Alphahydroxy acids.

Moles are large collections of melanocytes in the skin. They may be flat or raised.


  • Remove by cosmetic surgery.
  • Visit a doctor immediately if the mole gets larger, itchy, inflamed, or swollen.

Vitiligo is the absence of pigmentation of the skin, usually seen as patches.


  • Protect from sunlight. Patches of vitiligo are very sensitive to sunlight and burn easily.
  • Consult a dermatologist.

Scars are formed usually as a result of injuries to the skin. They may be thick as in a keloid or may be depressed as in post acne or chicken pox.


For Scars

  • Carbondioxide Slush
  • Dermabrasion
  • Chemical Peel
  • Laser Resurfacing
For Keloids
  • Intralesional Steroids
  • Cryosurgery
  • Laser

Warts occur due to virus infection of the skin.


Visit a doctor for specific treatment.


Wrinkles appear due to thinning and folding of the skin, most commonly on the face. Around the eyes, it is called Crow's Feet and around the mouth, Laughter Lines. The tendency to develop wrinkles or to have a young-looking skin is inherited.


  • Creams and lotions containing alpha-hydroxy acids and retinoic acid
  • Chemical Peeling
  • Laser Resurfacing
Source:  http://www.webhealthcentre.com/webhealth/HealthyLiving/beauty_house_skin.aspx

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